Our gigs mainly take place in the Court Theatre on Station Road in Tring. This includes gigs virtually every month plus the 3-week Tringe Festival in June/July.
The Court Theatre - Station Road, Tring, Hertfordshire. HP23 5QY
Additionally we do a one off festival #TringeAperitif in March at the Coach House.
The Coach House, Kings Arms, Kings Street, Hertfordshire. HP23 6BE
And we always do an annual comedy fundraiser for Berkhamsted Hockey Club.
Berkhamsted Hockey Club, Lockhart Field, Cow Roast nr Northchurch, Berkhamsted, HP23 5RF
Upcoming Events
30th March  |  The Coach House
31st March  |  The Coach House
Tringe Aperitif Festival Passport31st March  |  The Coach House
26th April  |  The Dembe Theatre
3rd June  |  The Dembe Theatre
29th June  |  4 Pubs in Town Centre
20th July  |  The Dembe Theatre
18th September  |  The Dembe Theatre
26th September  |  The Dembe Theatre